Blue Skies


Irving Berlin’s classic song, arranged for 8/9 recorders

Forces: S/A A A T T B B Gb Cb(opt) Minimum 8 players

Difficulty: Hard

Catalogue: SE-16

PDF page count: 32p (score & parts)

Available Format:
Instant download PDF (sheet music): £9.50
PDF + MP3 – Bundle: £16
MP3 Audio Play-Along: £7


The song Blue Skies was written in 1926 by Irving Berlin, originally for the film Betsy. The film itself was not a box office success, but Blue Skies was an instant hit, going on to be used in other films including White Christmas and recorded by many artists including Count Basie, Benny Goodman, Willie Nelson and Ella Fitzgerald. More recently it was used in the film Star Trek: Nemesis and Star Trek: Picard.

The enduring appeal of the song perhaps lies in the ironic contrast between its positive lyrics (‘Blue skies, smilin’ at me’) set against a wistful, minor modality.

The arrangement is aimed at more advanced level groups; it passes through some remote keys and most parts have some technical challenges.

Video Recording



Additional information


Medium, Hard


Instant download PDF, PDF (Sheet Music) and MP3 (Audio) – Bundle, MP3 (Audio)

Number of parts



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