Dr Thomas Arne (1710-1778) stands out as the most popular and successful native English composer of the eighteenth century. His lyrical melodic gift was perfectly suited to his career as theatre composer at Drury Lane, where he spent much of his working life, as well as his work as a composer for the London Pleasure Gardens.
Arne wrote incidental music for a number of Shakespeare productions at the theatre in the 1740s; his setting of When Daisies Pied was actually used in a production of As You Like It – even though Shakespeare’s words belong to the play Love’s Labours Lost.
In the original eighteenth century production, it was performed by the famous singer and actress, Kitty Clive. Featuring a humorous and mocking cuckoo call, Arne’s setting was originally for voice with flute, strings and basso continuo but transfers well to recorders.
Jim Rowley (verified owner) –
A delight to play! Takes you straight to Shakespeare’s Forest of Arden. All the parts share the action, and there are the odd tricky corners, but nothing impossible. Another success for AK, I reckon.